Monday 2 December 2019

VXLAN Book errata updates 30-Nov, 2019

Editions done on 30 November 2019: These updates are made in both pdf-book (available at and the paperback version (available at Amazon).

Chapter 1
Page 2 – Line 1: the Link State Updates >  Link State Update
Page 2 – Line 2: carry >carries
Page 2 – Line 15: Example 1-2 illustrates such topology > This sentence is removed
Page 5 – Line 1: Their > the
Page 11 – Line 8: switches 101, 103-104 > 101 removed from the list
Page 11 – table 1-3: Leaf-101 removed from Unkwon List
Page 12 – table 1-3: Leaf-101 removed from Unkwon List
Page 17 – Line 12: which has router > has removed
Page 18 – Line 2: naturally run > runs

Chapter 2
Page 23 – Line 1: Leaf-101 > Leaf-102
Page 23 – Line 3 after example 2-1: figure 1-3 > 2-3
Page 26 – Heading Scenario-3: L55 > L50

Page 39 – Line 3: example 1-10 > 3-12
Page 40 – Line 4 after example 3-14: Example 1-13 > 3-15

Chapter 4
Page 42 – Line 2: share the same > shares the same
Page 42 – Line 2 after sub-heading “Underlay Network…”: Example 1-1 > 4-1
Page 50 – Line 1: Example 1-20 > 4-20
Page 50 – Line 2: examination BGP > examination of the BGP
Page 56 – Line 2: (example 1-27) > 4-27

Chapter 5
Page 59 – Lines 7 and 10: post > chapter
Page 59 – Line 4 after sub-heading “Underlay Network…”: its’ > its
Page 62 – Line 4 after example 5-7: not import > not removed
Page 62 – Line 9 after example 5-7: intra-VNI > intra-VN
Page 65 – Line 3: defined n peer > defined in peer
Page 65 – Line 6: Figure 1-4 > 5-4

Chapter 6
Page 74 – Figure 6-5: Mcast Group (“VLAN 10 L2 BUM traffic”) >
Page 75 – Line 11 after example 6-8: example 6-7 > 6-9
Page 76 – Line 4 after sub-header “Phase 2…”: Multicast RIN > RIB
Page 78 – Capture 6-3: Wrong Capture file attached (Null-Register) > changed to correct capture (Register-Stop)
Page 80 – Line 1: Example 6-8 > 6-10
Page 80 – 1 after example 6-10: Example 6-7 > 6-11
Page 82 – Line 8 after sub-header “ARP Request”: Café from the ingress > ingress frame

Chapter 7
Page 87 – Example 7-1: Spine-11.2 > Spine-11

Chapter 8
Page 91 – Line 2: Inter-VNI > Inter-VN
Page 91 – Figure 8-1: “with Anycast RP – IP address” changed to “and addressing scheme”
Page 93 – Line 3 after sub-header “Overlay Network…” The command “source-interface…” font to bold+intalic
Page 94 – Line 1: “at the moment…” removed and replaced by “which is ok at this phase”
Page 99 – Line 1 after Figure 8-3: Intra-VNI > Intra-VN
Page 99 – Line 2 after Figure 8-3: “only an L2” > “only L2”

Chapter 9
Page 105 – Line 1: of its’ > its
Page 105 – Line 1 after sub-header “Phase 1…”: expresses its’ > its
Page 105 – Line 3 after sub-header “Phase 1…”: “learns” removed
Page 116 – Line 4: figure 9-5 > 9-4
Page 117 – Capture 9-5 text: “from the link Host-2…” changed to “from the link between Abba and…”
Page 120 – Line 1: ARP-Reply > ICMP Reply
Page 122 – Line 2: its’ > its
Page 122 – Line 5: Loc-RIB and from > “from” removed
Page 122 – Line 10: Figure 9-6 > 9-7
Page 129 – Example 9-24: Space between the example and its text removed
Page 130 – Line 6 after sub-header “ARP-Suppression”: Example 9-25 > 9-26
Page 133 – Line 4 after sub-header “Phase 2…”: Example 9-29 > 9-30
Page 133 – Line 5 after sub-header “Phase 2…”: Example 9-20 > 9-21
Page 134 – Line 12: Example 9-31 > 9-32
Page 137 – Line 2: send ICMP > an ICMP
Page 139 – Line 6 after sub-header “Prefix Advertisement”: “connectivity with” > “with” removed
Page 140 – Line 1: “sends the ICMP” > “sends an ICMP”
Page 141 – Line 1: “Because VTEP…” > “Because” removed
Page 148 – Line 3: example 1-34 > 9-34
Page 150 – Line 6: Capture 1-24 > 9-24

Chapter 10
Page 158 – Line 1: post > chapter
Page 159 – Figure 10-2: Network connected to Ext-Ro01 L77 >
Page 159 – Figure 10-2: Network connected to Ext-Ro01 L77 > and L77 > L161
Page 161 – Figure 10-3: Network connected to Ext-Ro01 L77 > and L77 > L161
Page 163 – Figure 10-4: Network connected to Ext-Ro01 L77 > and L77 > L161
Page 166 – Line 1: “Example 10-8 that” > “Example 10-8 shows that”
Page 166 – Line 3 after example 10-8: “Host Café” > “host Café”
Page 166 – Line 7 after example 10-8: word “one” removed
Page 166 – Line 10: (figure 10-4) > 10-5
Page 167 – Figure 10-5: Network connected to Ext-Ro01 L77 > and L77 > L161
Page 169 – Figure 10-6: Network connected to Ext-Ro01 L77 > and L77 > L161
Page 170 – Line 3: “even though we those we not…” > “even though those were not…”
Page 170 – Line 1 after example 10-13: “Abba IP with IP” > “Abba with IP”
Page 172 – Line 8: “are filtered out” > “are not filtered out”
Page 172 – Line 11: “from via BGP to OSPF are redistributed” > “from BGP are redistributed into OSPF”
Page 174 – Example 10-21 text: Ext-Ro01 > Ext-Ro02
Page 178 – Line 2: SA64577 > AS64577
Page 178 – Line 3: include > includes
Page 179 – Line 1: “Border Leaf” removed
Page 179 – exata space between example 10-29 and table removed 
Page 180 – Line 1: Figure 8-9 > 10-9
Page 184 – Line 1: Example 8-35 > 10-35

Chapter 11
Page 192: extra space “Step 2.1:…” and Example 11-3 removed
Page 192: additional enter under Example 11-3
Page 195 – Line 1: smaller font
Page 196: Figure 9-3 > 11-3
Page 196 – Line 4: “vpc domain” moved into the box of example 11-10 (it is part of the configuration)
Page 197 – example 11-12 Line 6: Separate “K” combined with next line “eepalive” > Keepalive
Page 198 – Line 6: (figure 9-4) > 11-4
Page 198 – Line 3 after the figure 11-4: chance > change
Page 198 – Line 1 after example 11-13: “The operation of Control….” The Control Plane operation…”
Page 199 – Line 6: “that MAC address” > “the MAC address”
Page 199 – Line 6: “behind PortChannel…” > “behind the PortChannel…”
Page 199 – Line 16 “this is information not…” > “this information is not”
Page 203 – Capture 11-3 text: “and to Leaf-103” > “and send to Leaf-103”
Page 204 – Line 1 after Capture 11-4: the font changed to “Times new…”

Chapter 12
No changes         

Chapter 13
No changes

Chapter 14
Page 228 – Line 6: Leaf-101 > Leaf-102
Page 228 – Line 8: Text starting “The routing information…” ending “… as an example” removed
Page 229 – Line 1: Leaf-101 > Leaf-102
Page 230 – Non-Protected section rewritten: new section is:
“The configuration for the non-protected segment in Server Leaf-102 is shown in example 14-3. First, VLAN 10 is created and mapped into L2VNI 10000. Anycast Gateway for the network is Then L2VNI 10000 is created under the EVPN configuration. In addition, L2VNI is added under the NVE1 interface configuration with the VNI specific options such as ARP suppression and multicast group for BUM traffic.”
Page 231 – Line 1: “in Leaf-101” > “in server Leaf-102”
Page 231 – Example 14-3 text: Leaf-101 > 102
Page 231 – Line 1 after example 14-3: “Compare the segment…” > “When comparing the segment…”
Page 231 – Line 2-3 after example 14-3: Leaf-101 > Leaf-102
Page 231 – Line 5: Server Leaf-102 > Service Leaf-102
Page 231 – Line 5-6: 13-5 >  14-5
Page 232 – Line 1: Server Leaf-101 > Leaf-102
Page 232 – Line 1: “Subnet between FW-1 and Server Leaf-102 is located in Server Leaf-102 and FW-1” > “Subnet is implemented in Service Leafs and FWs.”
Page 232 – Line 4: inter-VNI > inter-VN
Page 233 – Line 1 after example 14-9: “BRIB of Leaf-101” > BRIB of Server Leaf-102
Page 233 – Example 14-10: Prompt “Leaf-101#” > “Server Leaf-102#”
Page 234 – Line 1 after example 14-10: “Server Leaf-102” > “Service Leaf-102”
Page 234 – Line 2 after example 14-10: Leaf-101 > Leaf-102
Page 235 – Example 14-12 text: Server Leaf-102 > Service Leaf-102
Page 235 – Example 14-13: Prompt “Leaf-101#” > “Server Leaf-102#”
Page 235 – Line 3 after example 14-13: Server Leaf-102 > Service Leaf-102

Chapter 18
Page 271 – Line 10: chapter > book
Page 274 – Line 6 after example 18-3: Capture 1-1 > 18-1
Page 276 – Line 1: “The figure summarizes” > “The figure 18-4 summarizes”
Page 278 – Line 6 after sub-header “Shared Common…”: chapter > book
Page 278 – Line 9: Added “enter”, space between sections
Page 278 – Line 13: “forward updates” > forwards and “updates” removed
Page 279 – Line 3: exchange > exchanges
Page 279 – Enter between “This section explains” and the “Define Site-Id”
Page 280 – Line 7 in section “Configure BGP…”: “is to five” > is five
Page 280 – Last line: chapter > book
Page 281 – Line 1: Example 18-14 > 18-13
Page 287 – Line 7: “two-section explain” > “two sections explains”
Page 287 – Line 3 in section “Designated Forwarder”: The first part > no italic font
Page 287 – Line 8: “(explained later)” removed
Page 291 – Line 7: exchange > exchanges and “Route-Type 4” > “Route-Type 4 routes”
Page 292 – Line 1: Example 1-27 > 18-27 and example 1-28 > 18-28
Page 293 – Line 6: figure 19-6 > 18-6
Page 294 – Example 18-29: text changed to “show bgp l2vpn  evpn route-type 3”
Page 294 – Line 2 after example 18-29: “BGW-2 received” > “BGW-2 has received”
Page 296 – Line 1: “BGW-3 received” > “BGW-3 has received”
Page 297 – Example 18-31: text changed to “show bgp l2vpn  evpn route-type 3”
Page 298 – Figure 18-7 > 18-8
Page 299 – Line 10: VGW-1 > BGW-1
Page 299 – Figure 19-8 > 18-8
Page 300 – Example 18-32 text: Uncast > Unicast
Page 302 – Line 1: (VIP) is UP > (VIP) is UP on BGW-1
Page 303 – Capture 18-4 text changed to “Withdrawn route by BGW-1.”
Page 303 – Line 1: Added “(example 18-37), and now the ip is only reachable via BGW-2.”
Page 303 – The last paragraph changed to “BGW-1 has also withdrawn all Route-type 2-5. Example 18-38 shows that the routes to abba and loopback 88 withdrawned by BGW-1 are removed from BGW-3 BGP L2VPN EVPN table.”
Page 305 – Example 18-42 text: ststus > status
Page 305 – Last line: examples 19-43 > 18-43 and 19-44 > 18-44
Page 308 – Line 1: Example 19-45 > 18-45

Chapter 19
Page 313 – Line 7: “route, where” > route (3), where
Page 313 – Line 10: “.(3), next” > “.(4), next”
Page 315 – Line 3: “operation and usage” > operation and their usage
Page 315 – Line 4 after sub-header “PIM Neighbor…”: PIM-hello > PIM hello
Page 316 – Line 2: “does not who” > “does not know how”
Page 330 – Line 1 after sub-header “Verification”; Example 19-12 > 19-9
Page 333 – Line 5 after sub-header “MVPN…”: “(example 19-15)” removed
Page 336 – Line 1 after example 19-14: “When Leaf-101” > Leaf-102
Page 337 – Line 1: Example 19-18: > 19-15
Page 340 – Line 1 after sub-header “Data Plane…”: Figure 19-14 > 19-16
Page 343 – The references section: Enter added between each source

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