Sunday, 29 December 2024

AI for Network Engineers: Recurrent Neural Network (RNN) - Part II

 Challenges of a RNN Modell

Figure 5-3 shows the last two time steps of our Recurrent Neural Network (RNN). At the time step n (on the left side), there are two inputs for the weighted sum calculation: Xn  (the input at the current time step) and ht−1 (the hidden state from the previous time step).

First, the model calculates the weighted sum of these inputs. The result is then passed through the neuron’s activation function (Sigmoid in this example). The output of the activation function, ht , is fed back into the recurrent layer on the next time step, n+1. At time step n+1, the ht  is combined with the input Xn to calculate weighted sum. This result is then passed through the activation function, which now produces the model's prediction, y ̂ (y hat). These steps are part of the Forward Pass process.

As the final step in the forward pass, we calculate the model's accuracy using the Mean Square Error (MSE) function (explained in Chapter 2).

If the model's accuracy is not close enough to the expected result, it begins the Backward Pass to improve its performance. The most used optimization algorithm for minimizing the loss function during the backward pass is Gradient Descent, which updates the model's parameters step by step.

The backward pass process starts by calculating the derivative of the error function (i.e., the gradient of the error function with respect to the output activation value) to determine the Output Error. 

Next, the Output Error is multiplied with the derivative of the activation function to compute the local Error Term for the neuron. (i.e., the derivative of the activation function with respect to its input is the local gradient, which determines how the activation values changes in response to its input change.) The error terms are then propagated through all time steps to calculate the actual Weight Adjustment Values.

In this example, we focus on how the weight value associated with the recurrent connection is updated. However, this process also applies to weights linked to the input values. The neuron-specific weight adjustment values are calculated by multiplying the local error term with the corresponding input value and the learning rate.

The difference between the backward pass process in a Feedforward Neural Network (FNN) and a Recurrent Neural Network (RNN) is that the RNN uses Backpropagation Through Time (BPTT). In this method, the weight adjustment values from each time step are accumulated during backpropagation. Optionally, these accumulated gradients can be averaged over the number of time steps to prevent the gradient magnitude from becoming too large for long sequences. This averaging is the default behavior in implementations using TensorFlow and PyTorch frameworks.

Since the RNN model uses shared weight matrices across all time steps, only one weight parameter per recurrent connection needs to be updated. In this simplified example, we have one recurrent connection because there is only one neuron in the recurrent layer. However, in real-world scenarios, RNN layers often have hundreds of neurons and thousands of time steps.

Figure 5-3: Overview of the Weight Adjustment Process.

Saturated Neurons

Figure 5-4 depicts the S-curve of the Sigmoid activation function. It shows how the output of the function (y) changes in response to variations in the input (z). The chart illustrates how the rate of change slows down significantly when the input value exceeds 2.2 or falls below -2.2. Beyond these thresholds, approaching input values of 5.5 and -5.5, the rate of change becomes negligible from a learning perspective. This behavior can occur due to a poor initial weight assignment strategy, where the initial weight values are either too small or too large, potentially causing backpropagation through time (BPTT) to adjust the weights in the wrong direction. This issue is commonly known as neuron saturation.

Another issue illustrated in the figure is that the Sigmoid activation function output (y) is practically zero when the input value is less than -5. For example, with z = −5, y = 0.0998, but with z = −7, y drops to just 0.0009. The problem with these "almost-zero" output values is that the neuron becomes "dead," meaning its output (y) has negligible impact on the model's learning process. In an RNN model, where the neuron's output is reused in the recurrent layer as the hidden state (h), a close-to-zero value causes the neuron to "forget" inputs from preceding time steps.

Figure 5-4: The Problem with the S-curved Sigmoid Function.

Figure 5-5 illustrates a hypothetical RNN with five time steps. This example demonstrates how some recurrent connections for the hidden state values (h) can become insignificant from the perspective of subsequent time steps. For instance, if the output of the Sigmoid activation function at time step 1 (h1) is 0.0007, the corresponding value at time step 2 (h2) would increase by only 0.0008 compared to the scenario where h1 is zero.

Similarly, in an RNN with 1000 time steps, the learning process is prone to the vanishing gradient problem during backpropagation through time (BPTT). As gradients are propagated backward across many time steps, they often shrink exponentially due to repeated multiplication by small values (e.g., derivatives of activation Sigmoid functions). This can cause the learning curve to plateau or decrease, leading to poor weight updates and suboptimal learning. In severe cases, the learning process may effectively stop, preventing the model from achieving the expected performance.

Figure 5-5: RNN and "Forgotten" History.

When using a data parallelization strategy with Recurrent Neural Networks (RNNs), input data batches are distributed across multiple GPUs, each running the same model independently on its assigned batch. During the backpropagation through time (BPTT) process, each GPU calculates gradients locally for its portion of the data. These gradients are then synchronized across all GPUs, typically by averaging them, to ensure consistent updates to the shared model parameters.

Since the weight matrices are part of the shared model, the updated weights remain synchronized across all GPUs after each training step. This synchronization ensures that all GPUs use the same model for subsequent forward and backward passes. However, due to the sequential nature of RNNs, BPTT must compute gradients step by step, which can still limit scalability when dealing with long sequences. Despite this, data parallelization accelerates training by distributing the workload and reducing the computational burden for each GPU.

We can also implement the model parallelization strategy with RNNs, which synchronizes both activation values during the forward pass and gradients during backpropagation.

The parallelization strategy significantly affects network utilization due to the synchronization process—specifically, what we synchronize and at what rate. Several upcoming chapters will focus on different parallelization strategies.

Sunday, 15 December 2024

AI for Network Engineers: Recurrent Neural Network (RNN)


So far, this book has introduced two neural network architectures. The first one, the Feed-Forward Neural Network (FNN), works well for simple tasks, such as recognizing handwritten digits in small-sized images. The second one, the Convolutional Neural Network (CNN), is designed for processing larger images. CNNs can identify objects in images even when the location or orientation of the object changes.

This chapter introduces the Recurrent Neural Network (RNN). Unlike FNNs and CNNs, an RNN’s inputs include not only the current data but also all the inputs it has processed previously. In other words, an RNN preserves and uses historical data. This is achieved by feeding the output of the previous time step back into the hidden layer along with the current input vector.

Although RNNs can be used for predicting sequential data of variable lengths, such as sales figures or a patient’s historical health records, this chapter focuses on how RNNs can perform character-based text autocompletion. The upcoming chapters will explore word-based text prediction.

Text Datasets

For training the RNN model, we typically use text datasets like IMDB Reviews or the Wikipedia Text Corpus. However, in this chapter, we simplify the process by using a tailored dataset containing only the word "alley". Figure 5-1 illustrates the steps involved.

Splitting the text into characters: First, we break the word into its individual letters (e.g., a, l, l, e, y).

Index mapping: Each character is assigned an index number, which maps it to a one-hot-encoded vector. For example, the letter a is assigned index 0, corresponding to the one-hot vector [1, 0, 0, 0].

Sequence creation: Finally, we define the sequence of characters to predict. For example, when the input character is a (input vector [1, 0, 0, 0]), the model should output the letter l (output vector [0, 0, 1, 0]).

Figure 5-1: Recurrent Neural Networks – Text Dataset and One-Hot Encoding.

Training Recurrent Neural Networks

Figure 5-2 illustrates a simplified view of the RNN training process. In the previous section, we explained how one-hot encoding is used to produce an input vector for training. For example, the character “a” is represented by the input vector [1, 0, 0, 0], which is fed into the hidden layer. Each neuron in the hidden layer has its own dedicated weight matrix associated with the input vector.

Weight Matrices in RNNs

The weight values associated with input vectors are denoted as U, while the weights for the recurrent connections (connections between neurons across time steps) are noted as W. This separation is a standard way to distinguish weights for input processing from those used in recurrent operations.

Weighted Sum Calculation in the Hidden Layer

The neurons in the hidden layer calculate the weighted sum of the input vector. Only the sequence corresponding to the 1 in the input vector contributes to the calculation, as all other sequences result in zero when multiplied. This calculation also includes a bias term. For example, if the weight matrix for the input vector [1, 0, 0, 0] is [Un,1, Un,2, Un,3, Un,4], only the weight Un,1 contributes to the sum.

The result of this weighted sum for the initial time step is denoted as hn,(t-1). This result is "stored" and used as an input for the next time step. After calculating the weighted sum, it is passed through an activation function, and the resulting activation values are fed into the output layer.

Output Layer Operations

In our example, there are two output neurons for simplicity, but in real-life scenarios, the output layer typically contains the same number of neurons as the input vector dimensions (four in this case). Each output neuron calculates a weighted sum of its inputs, producing a value known as a logit. These logits are passed through the SoftMax activation function, which converts them into probabilities for each output neuron. Note, SoftMax function is discussed in chapter 3 – Multi-Class Classification.

In this example, the output neuron with the highest probability corresponds to the third position (not shown in the figure). This results in the output vector [0, 0, 1, 0], which represents the character “l.”

Comparison with Feed-Forward Neural Networks (FNNs)

So far, this process resembles that of a Feed-Forward Neural Network (FNN). Input vectors are passed from the input layer to the hidden layer, where the neurons compute weighted sums and apply an activation function. Since the hidden and output layers are fully connected, the hidden layer's activation values are passed to the output layer.

Moving to the Second Time Step

At the second time step, the output vector [0, 0, 1, 0], along with the weighted sum hn,(t-1) from the previous step, is used to calculate the new weighted sum. This calculation also includes a bias term. Since the same model is used at every time step, the weight matrices remain unchanged. At this time step, only the weight Un,3 contributes to the sum, as it corresponds to the non-zero value in the input vector. The rest of the process follows the same steps as in the initial time step.

Once time step 1 is completed, the process advances to time step 2, repeating the same calculations. This sequence continues until the training is completed.

Figure 5-2: Recurrent Neural Networks – Basic Operation.

Backward Pass in Recurrent Neural Networks

The backward pass in RNNs is called Backpropagation Through Time (BPTT) because it involves propagating errors not only through the network layers but also backward through time steps. If you think of time steps as stacked layers, the BPTT process requires fewer computation cycles and memory than Feed-Forward Neural Network (FNN), because RNN uses shared weight matrices across the layers while FNN has assigned per-layer weight values. Like RNN, the Convolutional Neural Network (CNN), introduced in Chapter 4, leverages shared weight matrices but within a layer not between the layers.