Leaf Interface Profile
This section
explains how to create an object Interface
Profile whose basic purpose is to attach the set of physical interfaces
into this object. Phase 6 in Figure 1-40 illustrates the APIC Management
Information Model (MIM) from the Interface Profile perspective. We are adding
an object L101__102_IPR under the class AccPortP (Leaf Interface Profile). The
name of the object includes Leaf switch identifiers (Leaf-101 and Leaf-102) in
which I am going to use this Interface Profile. This object has a Child object
Eth1_1-5 (class InfraHPorts) that defines the internet block and which has a relationship
with the object Port_Std_ESXi-Host_IPG. By doing this we state that ethernet
interfaces 1/1-5 are LLDP enabled 10Gbps ports which can use VLAN Identifiers
from 300-399. Note that in this phase we haven’t yet specified in which
switches we are using this Interface Profile.
The RN rules used with related objects:
Objects created under the class InfraAccportP (Leaf Interface Profile):Prefix1-{name}, where the Prefix1 is “accportprof”. This gives us RN “accportprof-L101_L102_IPR”.
Objects created under the class InfraHPortS (Access Port Selector): Prefix1-{name}-Prefix2-{type}, where the Prefix1 is “hports” and the Prefix2 is “typ”. This gives us RN “hports-Eth1_1-5_typ-range”.
Objects created under the class InfraPortBlk (Access Port Block): Prefix1-{name}, where the Prefix1 is “portblk” and where the name is Property (autogenerated). This gives us the RN “portblk-Block2”.