Tuesday 20 July 2021

LISP - OMP - BGP EVPN Interoperability - Part I: LISP EID-to-RLOC Registration

I have written a couple of books about Network Virtualization Overlay over Layer 3 (NVO3). My first book was about Datacenter network virtualization based on BGP L2VPN EVPN. After that, I wrote a book about Campus networks based on LISP. In my latest book, I introduced the Cisco SD-WAN solution running OMP in Control-Plane. I wanted to write one more book where I combine these three different NVO3 solutions. I haven’t used pictures in the “About This Book” section in my previous books but now I decided to do that because one picture tells more than 1000 words. The figure below combines these three NVO3 solutions and illustrates what is needed to have IP connectivity between EP1 in the LISP domain and EP2 in the BGP EVPN domain. After reading this book you should be able to understand the processes of how IP reachability information about local hosts are advertised from the LISP domain over the SD-WAN to BGP EVPN domain and another way around. I wanted to keep this complex solution as simple as possible. That is why I didn’t include any redundancy.

Figure 1-1 illustrates phases of how Edge-xTR-11 registers the IP/VRF information of its connected host EP1 to the centralized Control Plane device MapSrv-22. First, Edge-xTR-11 verifies that it can reach the MapSrv-22. Then it sends an unreliable Map-Register message concerning EP1 information to MapSrv-22 to which MapSrv-22 responds with Map-Notify message. After that Edge-xTR-11 opens a TCP connection to Map-Srv-22 and sends new, reliable Map-Register message. 

Figure 1-1: Overview of EID-to-RLOC Map-Register Process.

Phase-1: Updating Local MAC table and Dynamic EID

 Device Edge-xTR-11 in figure 1-2 has two roles, it is an egress Tunnel Router (eTR). This means that it forwards traffic from remote endpoints to its locally connected hosts. In this role, it registers locally connected hosts to Control Plane node MapSrv-22. In its other role, Edge-xTR-11 is an ingress Tunnel Router (iTR). This means that when one of its locally connected endpoints wants to communicate with a remote endpoint, Edge-xTR-11 requests location information from the MapSrv-22 if the information is not yet resolved and stored into local Mapping Cache.


When EP1 in our example boots up, it sends a Gratuitous ARP message to make sure that other devices are not using the IP address assigned to it. When Edge-xTR-11 as a role of iTR receives the massage, it first saves the host MAC/instance (BDI)/ interface information to its MAC address table (example 1-1). Besides, it stores the information into the LISP Dynamic Endpoint Identifier (Dynamic-EID) database (example 1-2). In our example, EP1 belongs to Layer 2 Bridge Domain 100 (subnet Subnet (VRF 100_NWKT), in turn, is attached to LISP instance 100, which uses RLOC (Loopback 0 IP of Edge-xTR-11).


Figure 1-2: EID-to-RLOC Map-Register – Local Learning.

Edge-xTR-11#show bridge-domain 100

Bridge-domain 100 (2 ports in all)

State: UP                    Mac learning: Enabled

Aging-Timer: 300 second(s)

    BDI100  (up)

    GigabitEthernet2 service instance 100

   AED MAC address    Policy  Tag       Age  Pseudoport

   -   0001.0001.0001 to_bdi  static    0    BDI100

   0   0050.7966.680D forward dynamic   251  GigabitEthernet2.EFP100

Example 1-1: EID-to-RLOC Map-Register – Local Learning – Mac Address Table.


Edge-xTR-11#show lisp instance-id 100 ipv4 database

LISP ETR IPv4 Mapping Database for EID-table vrf 100_NWKT (IID 100), LSBs: 0x1

Entries total 1, no-route 0, inactive 0, dynamic-eid 172_16_100_0-100_NWKT, inherited from default locator-set RLOC-SET1

  Locator       Pri/Wgt  Source     State    1/1    cfg-intf   site-self, reachable

Example 1-2: EID-to-RLOC Map-Register – Local Learning– Dynamic EID Database.


Phase-2: Verifying Mapping Server reachability


After updating its MAC table and Dynamic-EID table, Edge-xTR-11 starts the EID-to-RLOC mapping process (figure 1-2). As a first step, it verifies that MapSrv-22 is reachable. It sends an IP packet without payload and with TCP SYN bit set using destination TCP port 4342 to MapSrv-22 (Capture 1-1). When MapSrv-22 receives an “empty” IP packet with TCP SYN bit set and with the destination TCP port 4342, it knows that this is just a probe. It replies with an empty IP packet with TCP ACK and RST bits set (Capture 1-2).

Figure 1-3: EID-to-RLOC Map-Register – TCP Probes.

Internet Protocol Version 4, Src:, Dst:

Transmission Control Protocol, Src Port: 42548, Dst Port: 4342, Seq: 0, Len: 0

    Source Port: 42548

    Destination Port: 4342

    [Stream index: 0]

    [TCP Segment Len: 0]

    Sequence number: 0    (relative sequence number)

    Sequence number (raw): 1675383545

    [Next sequence number: 1    (relative sequence number)]

    Acknowledgment number: 0

    Acknowledgment number (raw): 0

    0110 .... = Header Length: 24 bytes (6)

    Flags: 0x002 (SYN)


Capture 1-1: EID-to-RLOC Map-Register - TCP Probe Sent by Edge-xTR-11.


Internet Protocol Version 4, Src:, Dst:

Transmission Control Protocol, Src Port: 4342, Dst Port: 42548, Seq: 1, Ack: 1, Len: 0

    Source Port: 4342

    Destination Port: 42548

    [Stream index: 0]

    [TCP Segment Len: 0]

    Sequence number: 1    (relative sequence number)

    Sequence number (raw): 0

    [Next sequence number: 1    (relative sequence number)]

    Acknowledgment number: 1    (relative ack number)

    Acknowledgment number (raw): 1675383546

    0101 .... = Header Length: 20 bytes (5)

    Flags: 0x014 (RST, ACK)


Capture 1-2: EID-to-RLOC Map-Register – Reply to TCP Probe by MapSrv-22.


Phase-3: Unreliable EID-to-RLOC registration (UDP)


After verifying the IP connectivity to MapSrv-22, Edge-xTR-11 sends a LISP Map-Register message to MapSrv-22. At this phase, the Map-Register message is sent by using unreliable UDP by using source/destination port 4342 (capture 1-3). Map-Register message describes the EID of EP1. EID is a combination of the LISP Instance Id 100 bind to subnet and the host IP address The EID itself is bind to location information Routing Locator (RLOC). In other words, the Map-Register message tells MapSrv-22 that EP1 has an IP address, it belongs to Virtual Network 100, and it is reachable through the Edge-xTR-11 (

There are three bits set in the Map-Register message originated by Edge-xTR-11. The Proxy-Map-Reply bit, when set, means that Map-Srv-22 can respond to requested endpoint information on behalf of Edge-xTR-11. The xTR-Id present bit, when set, describes that this message carries randomly generated xTR-Identifier of sender. The Want-Map-Notify bit, when set, in the Map-register message indicates that Edge-xTR-11 wants MapSrv-22 to confirm that it has received the message. This means that even though Edge-xTR-11 uses UDP at this phase, it uses LISP Map-Notify messages like TCP uses Acknowledgement messages. The Authoritative bit, when set, tells that the Edge-xTR-11 is the last-hop router for the EID.


The Nonce value carried within the Map-Register message protects against Map-Register Reply Attacks. Edge-xTR-11 accepts Map-Notify messages from MapSrv-22 only if the nonce value in the message is the same as what it uses with the Map-Register message. Edge-xTR-11 also increases the nonce value every time it sends a new Map-Register message. MapSrv-22 knows this and it only allows Map-Register messages from Edge-xTR-11 if the nonce value is higher than carried with the previous Map-Register message.

Figure 1-4: EID-to-RLOC Map-Register - Unreliable Map-Register Message.

Internet Protocol Version 4, Src:, Dst:

User Datagram Protocol, Src Port: 4342, Dst Port: 4342

Locator/ID Separation Protocol

    0011 .... .... .... .... .... = Type: Map-Register (3)

    .... 1... .... .... .... .... = P bit (Proxy-Map-Reply): Set

    .... .0.. .... .... .... .... = S bit (LISP-SEC capable): Not set

    .... ..1. .... .... .... .... = I bit (xTR-ID present): Set

    .... ...0 .... .... .... .... = R bit (Built for an RTR): Not set

    .... .... 0000 0000 0000 000. = Reserved bits: 0x0000

    .... .... .... .... .... ...1 = M bit (Want-Map-Notify): Set

    Record Count: 1

    Nonce: 0x3e4c8dce8abf56b7

    Key ID: 0x0001

    Authentication Data Length: 20

    Authentication Data: a705477bc22dc0d6842c2462125a35dbfa34b0ee

    Mapping Record 1, EID Prefix: [100], TTL: 1440, Action: No-Action, Authoritative

        Record TTL: 1440

        Locator Count: 1

        EID Mask Length: 32

        000. .... .... .... = Action: No-Action (0)

        ...1 .... .... .... = Authoritative bit: Set

        .... .000 0000 0000 = Reserved: 0x000

        0000 .... .... .... = Reserved: 0x0

        .... 0000 0000 0000 = Mapping Version: 0

        EID Prefix AFI: LISP Canonical Address Format (LCAF) (16387)

        EID Prefix: [100]

            LCAF: Instance ID: 100, Address:

                LCAF Header: 00000220000a

                Instance ID: 100

                Address AFI: IPv4 (1)


        Locator Record 1, Local RLOC:, Reachable, Priority/Weight: 1/1, Multicast Priority/Weight: 1/1

    xTR-ID: e5e601fff689f8a9aab82834637ee536

    Site-ID: 0000000000000000

Capture 1-3: EID-to-RLOC Map-Register - Unreliable Map-Register Message.


Phase-4: Map-Server - EID-RLOC DB Updates


MapSrv-22 has two roles. The first one, the Mapping Servers component is responsible for EID-to-RLOC Map-Register message handling. It validates the message by checking the authentication data matches and that the nonce value is higher if this is not the first Map-Register message from Edge-xTR-11. Then, if the EID IP address is within the subnet listed in the site and instance-specific EID-Record, the EOD-to-RLOC is installed into the Mapping Database. The process is shown in example 1-3. Example 1-4 shows the IP address in instance 100 (virtual network 100) is reachable through the (Edge-xTR-11). Note that the TTL field in the example is represented as 1 day, while in the original Map-Register message the TTL was represented as 1440 seconds which is 24 hours.

Figure 1-5: EID-to-RLOC Map-Register - Updating Mapping Database.


00:50:43: LISP: Processing IP Map-Register mapping record for IID 100 LCAF 2, ttl 1440, action none, authoritative, 1 locator pri/wei=1/1 LpR


00:50:43: LISP-0: MS Site EID IID 100 prefix SVC_IP_IAF_IPv4 site Network-Times, Created dynamic site EID prefix entry.


00:50:43: LISP-0: MS registration IID 100 prefix SVC_IP_IAF_IPv4 site Network-Times, Created new registration.

Example 1-3: EID-to-RLOC Map-Register Processing.


MapSrv-22# show lisp site name Network-Times instance-id 100 | sec

  EID-prefix: instance-id 100

    First registered:     01:47:46

    Last registered:      01:47:42

    Routing table tag:    0

    Origin:               Dynamic, more specific of

    Merge active:         No

    Proxy reply:          Yes

    TTL:                  1d00h

    State:                complete

    Registration errors:

      Authentication failures:   0

      Allowed locators mismatch: 0

    ETR, last registered 01:47:42, proxy-reply, map-notify

                      TTL 1d00h, no merge, hash-function sha1, nonce 0x3E4C8DCE-0x8ABF56B7

                      state complete, no security-capability

                      xTR-ID 0xE5E601FF-0xF689F8A9-0xAAB82834-0x637EE536

                      site-ID unspecified

                      sourced by reliable transport

      Locator       Local  State      Pri/Wgt  Scope  yes    up           1/1    IPv4 none

Example 1-4: EID-to-RLOC Map-Register - Mapping Database Verification.

Phase 5: Map-Server - LISP Map-Notify


Because the Wants-Map-Notify bit was set in the Map-Register message, MapSrv-22 confirms that it has received the message by sending a Map-Notify message to Edge-xTR-11. The process is shown in example 1-5. The message contains basically the same information as what we saw in the Map-Register message.

Figure 1-6: EID-to-RLOC Map-Register - Map-Notify Message Sent By MapSrv-22.

00:50:43: LISP-0: MS EID IID 100 prefix SVC_IP_IAF_IPv4 site Network-Times, Scheduling map notifications for prefix


00:50:43: LISP-0: MS EID IID 100 prefix SVC_IP_IAF_IPv4 site Network-Times, Scheduling unreliable map notification for prefix to ETR which registered


00:50:43: LISP-0: Map-Notify> xTR-ID 0xB8F66E3B-0x101CCD7C-0x5B9F516E-0x3526FC6E, sending with 1 prefix, nonce 0xE297E49D-0xEDA98C98

Example 1-5: EID-to-RLOC Map-Register - Map-Notify Message Processing.

Internet Protocol Version 4, Src:, Dst:

User Datagram Protocol, Src Port: 4342, Dst Port: 4342

Locator/ID Separation Protocol

    0100 .... .... .... .... .... = Type: Map-Notify (4)

    .... 1... .... .... .... .... = I bit (xTR-ID present): Set

    .... .0.. .... .... .... .... = R bit (Built for an RTR): Not set

    .... ..00 0000 0000 0000 0000 = Reserved bits: 0x00000

    Record Count: 1

    Nonce: 0x3e4c8dce8abf56b7

    Key ID: 0x0001

    Authentication Data Length: 20

    Authentication Data: 3fbdd90d102be7e6ce504e295dfb196a52b238f2

    Mapping Record 1, EID Prefix: [100], TTL: 1440, Action: No-Action, Not Authoritative


        EID Prefix AFI: LISP Canonical Address Format (LCAF) (16387)

        EID Prefix: [100]


        Locator Record 1, RLOC:, Reachable, Priority/Weight: 1/1, Multicast Priority/Weight: 1/1

    xTR-ID: e5e601fff689f8a9aab82834637ee536

    Site-ID: 0000000000000000

Capture 1-4: EID-to-RLOC Map-Register Map-Notify Message Sent by MapSrv-22.



Phase 6: TCP Connection Between Edge-xTR-11 and MapSrv-22


After receiving Map-Notify message from MapSrv-22, Edge-xTR-11 starts the reliable EID-to-RLOC Mapping process by opening TCP connection with MapSrv-22 (figure 1-7).

Figure 1-7: EID-to-RLOC Map-Register - TCP Three Way Handshake.

Captures 1-5, 1-6, and 1-7 show the TCP three-way handshake process.


Internet Protocol Version 4, Src:, Dst:

Transmission Control Protocol, Src Port: 46666, Dst Port: 4342, Seq: 0, Len: 0

    Source Port: 46666

    Destination Port: 4342


    Flags: 0x002 (SYN)


Capture 1-5: EID-to-RLOC Map Register - TCP Three Way Handshake TCP SYN.


Internet Protocol Version 4, Src:, Dst:

Transmission Control Protocol, Src Port: 4342, Dst Port: 46666, Seq: 0, Ack: 1, Len: 0

    Source Port: 4342

    Destination Port: 46666


    Flags: 0x012 (SYN, ACK)


Capture 1-6: EID-to-RLOC Map Register - TCP Three Way Handshake TCP SYN, ACK.


Internet Protocol Version 4, Src:, Dst:

Transmission Control Protocol, Src Port: 46666, Dst Port: 4342, Seq: 1, Ack: 1, Len: 0

    Source Port: 46666

    Destination Port: 4342

    Flags: 0x010 (ACK)


Capture 1-7: EID-to-RLOC Map Register - TCP Three Way Handshake TCP ACK.


Phase 7: LISP Registration Refresh


After successful TCP session establishment, MapSrv-22 asks Edge-xTR-11 to send complete EID-to-RLOC information now by using the reliable method using TCP.

Figure 1-8: EID-to-RLOC Map-Register - LISP Registration Refresh Message.


Capture 1-8 below shows the LISP Registration Refresh message. The message is sent using TCP. 

Internet Protocol Version 4, Src:, Dst:

Transmission Control Protocol, Src Port: 4342, Dst Port: 46666, Seq: 1, Ack: 1, Len: 15

Locator/ID Separation Protocol (Reliable Transport), Msg: 0, Registration Refresh, Scope: All prefixes under all address families under all EID instances

    Type: Registration Refresh (20)

    Length: 15

    Message ID: 0

    Registration refresh scope: All prefixes under all address families under all EID instances (0)

    0... .... .... .... = Rejected only: Not set

    .000 0000 0000 0000 = Reserved: 0x0000

    Message End Marker: 0x9facade9 (correct)

Capture 1-8: EID-to-RLOC Map-Register - LISP Registration Refresh Message.


Phase 8: Reliable EID-to-RLOC registration (TCP)


As a response to Registration Refresh message, Edge-xTR-11 send the EID-to-RLOC Map-Register message to MapSrv-22 but now using TCP. Because Edge-xTR-11 now uses reliable transport, MapSrv-22 has to confirm that it has received the message by sending the Registration Refresh message among the Map-Notify message (due to Want-Map-Notify). As the last step, Edge-xTR-11 sends an IP packet with the TCP ACK bit set.

Figure 1-9: EID-to-RLOC Map-Register - Registration Over TCP.

Capture 1-9 shows the Map-register message sent by Edge-xTR-11


Internet Protocol Version 4, Src:, Dst:

Transmission Control Protocol, Src Port: 46666, Dst Port: 4342, Seq: 1, Ack: 16, Len: 130


Locator/ID Separation Protocol (Reliable Transport), Msg: 1, Registration for [100]

    Type: Registration (17)

    Length: 112

    Message ID: 1


        .... 1... .... .... .... .... = P bit (Proxy-Map-Reply): Set

        .... .0.. .... .... .... .... = S bit (LISP-SEC capable): Not set

        .... ..1. .... .... .... .... = I bit (xTR-ID present): Set

        .... ...0 .... .... .... .... = R bit (Built for an RTR): Not set

        .... .... 0000 0000 0000 000. = Reserved bits: 0x0000

        .... .... .... .... .... ...1 = M bit (Want-Map-Notify): Set

        Record Count: 1

        Nonce: 0x3e4c8dce8abf56b7

        Key ID: 0x0001

        Authentication Data Length: 20

        Authentication Data: a705477bc22dc0d6842c2462125a35dbfa34b0ee

        Mapping Record 1, EID Prefix: [100], TTL: 1440, Action: No-Action, Authoritative


            EID Prefix AFI: LISP Canonical Address Format (LCAF) (16387)

            EID Prefix: [100]

                LCAF: Instance ID: 100, Address:

                    LCAF Header: 00000220000a

                    Instance ID: 100

                    Address AFI: IPv4 (1)


            Locator Record 1, Local RLOC:, Reachable, Priority/Weight: 1/1, Multicast Priority/Weight: 1/1


Capture 1-9: EID-to-RLOC Map-Register - Registration Over TCP (Step 1).


Capture 1-10 verifies that both registration Ack and Map-Notify messages are sent within the same IP packet. Capture 1-11 shows the TCP ACK sent by Edge-xTR-11.


Internet Protocol Version 4, Src:, Dst:

Transmission Control Protocol, Src Port: 4342, Dst Port: 46666, Seq: 16, Ack: 131, Len: 107


Locator/ID Separation Protocol (Reliable Transport), Msg: 1, Registration ACK for [100]

    Type: Registration ACK (18)

    Length: 31

    Message ID: 1

    EID Prefix: [100]

    Message End Marker: 0x9facade9 (correct)

Locator/ID Separation Protocol (Reliable Transport), Msg: 2, Mapping Notification for [100]


    Mapping Record 1, EID Prefix: [100], TTL: 1440, Action: No-Action, Not Authoritative


        EID Prefix AFI: LISP Canonical Address Format (LCAF) (16387)

        EID Prefix: [100]

            LCAF: Instance ID: 100, Address:


        Locator Record 1, RLOC:, Reachable, Priority/Weight: 1/1, Multicast Priority/Weight: 1/1


Capture 1-10: EID-to-RLOC Map-Register - Registration Over TCP (Step 2).


Internet Protocol Version 4, Src:, Dst:

Transmission Control Protocol, Src Port: 46666, Dst Port: 4342, Seq: 131, Ack: 123,


    Flags: 0x010 (ACK)


Capture 1-11: EID-to-RLOC Map-Register - Registration Over TCP (Step 3).


In this phase, MapSrv-22 can respond to Map-request messages on behalf of Edge-xTR-11. The next chapter describes how the EID-to-RLOC information is advertised to Border-PxTR-13. Because the LISP Control-Plane node, in our case MapSrv-22, does not redistribute EID-to-RLOC information in an unsolicited way like BGP Route-Reflector, we need another mechanism for that and that’s where MP-BGP VPNv4 comes into play.

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